Research Working Group

Webinar: Bridging the Gap – How to Translate Scientific Knowledge into Public Benefit – the Possible Role of Foundations

09h00 - 10h00


Pour les membres


Together with the Pour Demain, the Research Working Group is organising a webinar on the topic of « Bridging the Gap: How to Translate Scientific Knowledge into Public Benefit – the Possible Role of Foundations ».

More information will follow.

This webinar is part of a new series organised by the Research working group. The series addresses current issues and challenges in the research funding area.
Part 1 (23 October 2024): Use of AI in research project evaluations
Part 2 (5 December 2024): #ScientainmentGRS: experiences and insights from 10 years of supporting science communication
Part 3 (15 January 2025): The Potential of Citizen Science and Participatory Research

The webinars are open to all SwissFoundations members. Each webinar will be recorded and made available to our members.


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