Shaping the Future of International Cooperation

11h00 - 13h00

Universitätsklinik Balgrist

Pour les membres

This is a save-the-date. More information will follow soon. Registration will be combined with the registration process for the General Assembly.

The latest developments in the international cooperation sector, both in Switzerland and globally, require all stakeholders to react and reflect on the sector’s future. There are both short- and long-term aspects to consider, and we believe there is an urgent need for dialogue among concerned foundations, particularly SwissFoundations members. Similar initiatives are already underway, and we trust they will complement one another.

Long-term: Shaping the Future of International Cooperation
It is clear that a new paradigm for international cooperation will emerge, and philanthropic foundations must consider how to adapt. What role can we play? How should we adjust our strategies? Do we need to rethink our discourse and actions?
To explore these critical questions, two upcoming events are being organised:
  • Tuesday, June 3rd (11:00 – 13:00, Zurich) –Meeting before the General Assembly (most likely for members only).
  • Wednesday, September 3rd (Bern) – A follow-up session will be held on that topic at the Symposium.

Short-term: Responding to the Immediate Challenges
How should we react to the current situation, particularly the cuts in public funding for international cooperation? What can we do for our operational partners and the people who depend on publicly funded projects and programs?

Given the diversity of approaches among SwissFoundations members, we have set up a network on StiftungSchweiz to facilitate the exchange of experiences. This platform enables members to share how their foundations are supporting organizations facing immediate funding cuts, explore initiatives to establish a “bridge fund,” and coordinate efforts by learning who is doing what, where, and how in response to these drastic cuts.

If you are a member of SwissFoundations and would like to join the network, please contact


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