Working Group Corporate Foundations

“Walk and talk” – Informal peer-to-peer dialogue and learning

13h00 - 14h00

Bellevue, Zürich / Horloge fleurie, Genève

Pour les membres

After a fully virtual event in April, a hybrid event in September, the next one is fully on-site: “Walk and talk” – Informal peer-to-peer dialogue and learning. 


  • Wednesday 3 November 13:00-14:00 (followed by optional coffee/tea)



  • Heads of Corporate Foundations and their team members


We will split into small groups of three to discuss a couple of pre-defined questions and have time to discuss any other topics. After the walk, each group will share the highlights of the discussions with all participants. Dialogue can continue over an optional coffee/tea in a café close to Bellevue.

Registration via mail to by 28 October.



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