Working Group Corporate Foundations
How can corporate foundations approach the climate change topic in a holistic way?
14h00 - 16h00
Zurich Development Centre or onlineLes réseaux de SwissFoundations s’articulent autour de groupes de travail et de tables rondes thématiques. Il s’agit de plateformes d’échange d’expériences concrètes, mais aussi d’outils pour répondre aux questions d’actualité. Les groupes de travail et les tables rondes sont exclusivement ouverts aux membres.
FermerAvec plus de 13 000 fondations d’utilité publique et un patrimoine d’environ 100 milliards de francs suisses, le secteur suisse des fondations compte parmi les plus importants au monde. En tant que force indépendante, les fondations renforcent le pluralisme dans notre pays et apportent une contribution significative à la diversité sociale et à l’innovation.
FermerLa gestion d’une fondation requiert des connaissances précises, concrètes et pratiques. En collaboration avec ses membres et partenaires, SwissFoundations élabore des normes et des instruments pratiques pour la création et la gestion de fondations d’utilité publique en Suisse.
FermerÉtablie en 2001 à l’initiative de différentes fondations, SwissFoundations est la principale association faîtière des fondations donatrices d’utilité publique en Suisse.
FermerWorking Group Corporate Foundations
Climate change is a hot topic for many corporations and foundations. There is an increased demand from many of our stakeholders to understand how we as Corporate Foundations are walking the climate talk in a genuine way. We can certainly all play our part in this agenda, whether climate change is at the heart of our foundation’s programmatic scope or not. Often questions are how best to approach it, what are the tools and practices at our disposal, what are some of the good practices we can get inspiration from, how can we fully leverage our potential as corporate foundation to have a positive impact. That’s precisely the aim of this session: to understand all the various areas where we can act, get inspired from existing practices, and jointly come up with new ideas as a way to trigger a more holistic consideration of the options that are at everyone’s fingertips.
This session is hosted by the Z-Zurich Foundation and facilitated by the Corporate Foundations Core Group. A lunch for on-site participants will start at 12.30pm.
Registration via mail to Please indicate if you participate on-site (on-site participation is capped at 20 persons, first come first serve) or virtually. Kindly note that we will accept one representative per corporate foundation to attend on-site, and will be pleased to welcome everyone else via virtual participation. Deadline for registration: Monday, 17 May 2022.
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