With Vision 2030, the elea Foundation is aiming to triple its impact
The Board of Trustees of the elea Foundation for Ethics in Globalization (elea) has adopted its Vision 2030, including its goals and measures for implementation. elea aims to triple its impact by 2030 – an ambitious growth mandate based on seventeen years of experience in philanthropic impact investing to fight against absolute poverty with entrepreneurial means.
After intensive preparation, elea defined the guidelines for impact growth as well as for its own organizational development and thus initiated the first phase of the project’s implementation. The process began with a comprehensive analysis of the impact investing ecosystem and its relevance for unlocking the potential to alleviate absolute poverty. The elea Vision 2030 was developed on this basis.
elea’s focus remains on the fight against poverty
Poverty is an ongoing challenge for a quarter of humanity. The COVID-19 pandemic has further increased the number of people affected. Added to this are the negative effects of the climate crisis, which are particularly affecting people in the Global South. These realities reinforce elea’s foundational purpose and mandate to fight absolute poverty through entrepreneurial means, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by globalization.
elea is convinced that the promotion of market-driven solutions through philanthropic investment in innovative companies offers sustainable prospects for escaping poverty.
Strengthening the elea model to triple its impact
elea aims to expand its model and triple its impact to become a leading global organization for philanthropic impact investing. elea works to continuously build a diversified portfolio in terms of investment themes, geographies and investment risks. The entrepreneurial solutions are based on a variety of impact models with different levels of impact, ranging from access to products and services to profound changes in living conditions.
In total, elea aims to reach more than 100 million people by 2030 and work with 100 visionary entrepreneurs.