European Parliament discusses need for a single market for philanthropy
On 21 October 2021, the European Parliament launched at its plenary a debate on the need for “A Single Market for Philanthropy”. Several MEPs welcomed the initiative calling for public-private partnerships for the common good.
The aim of the initiative is to unlock the potential of philanthropy in the recovery and future of Europe, mobilising complementary private resources for the public good and facilitating cross-border giving and philanthropic action.
During the discussion, MEP Milan Brglez underligned how philanthropic organisations are practicing European solidarity and have the necessary agility to work cross border that is essential to address the big challenges of our times, including the green and digital transition. Additionally, EC Commissioner Mairead McGuinness stressed the importance of the philanthropic sector in Europe that includes more than 147,000 public-benefit foundations with an accumulated annual expenditure of nearly 60 billion euros. EP Vice-President Nicola Beer and MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk highlighted the quick response of philanthropic organisations to the pandemic.
“However, the potential of philanthropy cannot take full effect yet, even within the European Union. Complex rules continue to hinder cross-border philanthropy in the form of multiple legal, administrative and fiscal barriers.”
Beer and Kyuchyuk call therefore for a bold action and the establishment of “a Single Market for Philanthropy“ with free flow of capital and application of the non-discrimination principle.
Hanna Surmatz, co-lead of the joint Dafne and EFC Philanthropy Advocacy initiative welcomes this timely debate and the related initiatives in the European Parliament and the European Commission. « The challenges for our society, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, do not stop at national borders, but legal frameworks for philanthropic giving do. Therefore, we fully support this call for introducing a single market for philanthropy and public good across the EU.”
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