The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation invites applications
The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation invites applications for the funding programme Improving the health of vulnerable people in and from fragile settings, in our support sectors “Medical research” and “Victims of conflict and violence”, for the years 2023-2025.
More than 100 million people worldwide are displaced, half of them in their own country (“internally displaced persons” or IDPs). They come from so-called “fragile contexts”, meaning that their homes are affected by conflict, violence or a natural disaster (increasingly caused by climate change).The funding programme aims to contribute to improving the health of particularly vulnerable people in fragile contexts, especially refugees and displaced persons.
The programme intends to support projects that combine interdisciplinary approaches to research and practice in an innovative way. The projects should be well-embedded in the social structures and networks of the people affected. The idea behind the funding programme is to also consider unconventional or interdisciplinary projects that do not benefit from the usual funding instruments for academic research.
In addition to refugees and displaced persons, the funding programme also targets vulnerable populations who have remained or returned to their homes affected by violence, conflict or a natural disaster. The target group also includes refugees in Switzerland.
The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation invites interested research institutions and international cooperation organisations based in Switzerland to submit a relevant concept note by 15 January 2023. An interdisciplinary review panel of experts will discuss which institutions will be invited to submit a detailed project proposal by 15 March 2023. On 6 November 2023, the Foundation Board will decide on the allocation of the funds amounting to CHF 3 million.
Additional information is available in the attached Call Document or online at www.johnsonstiftung.ch