Governance of impact – Esade publishes new study
The Center for Social Impact (esade) published a new study about governance of impact end of last year. The executive summary offers an overview of the key findings and an actionable framework on how to improve governance of impact.
Governance of impact in foundations is mission-critical and shapes how the board and executive leadership, supported by the foundation’s staff, make optimal decisions to advance their organization’s mission. It plays a central role in creating, implementing and assessing the foundation’s strategy, as well as deciding how grant-making or operating budgets are spent.
Esade concludes that foundations need more time and space to consider their governance of impact. It is at the heart of what they do, it is mission-critical, and yet it seems not to be on the immediate path for most foundations, wrapped up as they are in delivering programs and generally getting on with the daily work of philanthropy. Thus, esade hopes to move the sector forward by providing this research.
Find the executive summary here