Geography of the Swiss Foundation Sector – 12,600 foundations surveyed one by one
A new thesis written by Irene Reynolds Schier examines Swiss public-benefit foundations from a geographical point of view. It follows an interdisciplinary approach, bridging geographic and philanthropical concepts and conducting basic research as little is yet known regarding the geography of these foundations.
First, the study systematically collects detailed data on the locations of the foundations. Secondly, it classifies the multitude of foundation purposes and notes their spatial distribution. Lastly, it poses questions on the geographical spheres of activities of the foundations and their engagement in Switzerland and abroad. The analysis, with the cut-off-date at the end of 2014, is based on 12,600 foundations, which were surveyed one by one. Over 100 maps in color complement the findings and create an atlas on the geography of the foundation landscape at a municipal, cantonal, national and international scale. Also, the foundation sectors in each of the 26 cantons are portrayed, emphasizing their diversity and distinctive spatial patterns. Finally, the thesis proposes that the Swiss foundation sector is deeply embedded in society and reflects the country’s natural geography, political and administrative frameworks, economic structures, and cultural and social traits of its cantons and municipalities. The findings of the thesis enhance the transparency of the foundation landscape and contribute to its better understanding.
End of August available for pre-order at Bücher von Matt in Stans: buecher@vonmatt.ch Price: CHF 60.-
Read also the article by Irene Reynolds Schier on the spatial distribution of foundations in the Foundation Report 2019: