Fixing Philanthropy : Six Principles for Actually Improving the World When Giving Away Money

« Philanthropy can only change if philanthropist do. » The new book of two partners of Altruist League – Ekaterina Chernova and Milos Maricic – explore a way through philanthropy to fit with the actual challenges of the world. In Fixing Philanthropy : Six Principles for Actually Improving the World When Giving Away Money, they follow the six principles of New Philanthropy to improve the sector :

  1. A change theory that fits the world, which need a coordinated action across the entire society. New philanthropists trust in progress, but care about it being evenly spread and think about the risks for humanity.
  2. A proactive focus on systemic problems, such as climate change, systemic injustice and the inadequate political machinery.
  3. A trust in New Power, by listening to commmunities and avoiding the traditional top-down approach. The understanding and supporting of social movement is essential, as catalyst for systemic change.
  4. An intrinsic motivation, nourrished by core ethical values, solving difficult problems, a sense of leaving legacy and an opportunity of creativity.
  5. Alliances, as systemic change needs broad coalitions between governments, corporations, international organizations and civil society,
  6. Literacy with new concepts and technologies, which help philanthropist to adopt flexible investment instruments and approaches.

The book tries a new approach of philanthropy to answer actual challenges, and let aside the actual obsolete philanthropy. It predicts upcoming splits in the field with a growth of true financial altruism.



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