Funding the Future – Virtual Discussion on New Climate Philanthropy Guide

Climate change is already visible and will impact the work of foundations on many levels. Funders have a unique role in helping shift our economic and financial systems to enable greater resilience and wellbeing. But so far, less than two percent of philanthropic giving is dedicated to climate change. How can foundations and philanthropists enhance their role in fighting the climate crisis? And how can funders add a climate lens to their existing portfolios?

We are delighted to share this interesting invite to an exclusive virtual discussion on Active Philanthropy’s climate philanthropy guide “Funding the future”. 

Please register here until October 14th, 2020

Sandrine Dixon-Declève, Co-President of the Club of Rome, will hold the keynote and share her personal insights on the near term pressure points necessary to ensure a transition towards greater resilience, wellbeing and planetary sustainability.

Following a brief introduction of the guide by the lead-author Dr. Johannes Lundershausen, three prominent foundations will highlight what they do to combat the climate crisis, and how they managed to incorporate climate-related topics into their portfolio.

The panelists of the event:

  • Sonia Medina, Executive Director Climate Change, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation(CIFF)
  • George Kabalt,  Special Advisor (Climate), Laudes Foundation & Porticus
  • Marie-Stéphane Maradeix, Executive Director, Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso

Maybe also of interest: A free webinar on Climate movements and funders hosted by Alliance magazine on October 22. Register here.



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