Changemakers Talks: The Wealth Inequality Initiative Podcast Series
Wealth Inequality is one of the most pressing challenges of our times. To this day, the bottom 50% of the world’s population own less than 2% of global wealth, while the top 1% owns 38% (Source: World Inequality Report 2022 – WID – World Inequality Database). Wealth, and therefore power, is increasingly in the hands of a few, widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots.
The unequal distribution of wealth acts more fundamentally than mere income inequality. Wealth inequality concerns us all, because it is strongly interlinked with all other forms of inequality: gender, age, access to education and social mobility, the right to health, sanitation and infrastructures. People without wealth not only lack financial resources, but they also lack opportunities and networks. Without this so-called social capital, under-resourced people are deprived of ways of moving up the social ladder, improving their quality of life and contributing to more prosperous societies, in the interest of all.
The Wealth Inequality Initiative (WII) by Julius Baer Foundation aims to shed light on the global wealth inequality challenge, connecting key players and experts worldwide to awaken interest, circulate knowledge, mobilise stakeholders and drive action to shape a more equal society.
The WII Podcast Series features inspirational and influential personalities, including experts of wealth inequality and changemakers from different walks of life and countries.
While the series addresses anyone interested in the topic, it also offers insights for current and potential philanthropists and social entrepreneurs. The WII guests’ voices and experiences turn the wealth inequality topic into tangible evidence. Their stories and best practices offer examples of possible solutions while instilling the needed sense of urgency and drive for action.
WII Podcast Series Highlights:
- Denis Mizne, CEO of Fundação Lemann in Brazil reflects on the strategy, the challenges, the alliances and the crucial steps taken to change Brazil’s National Learning Standards and make them accessible for all Brazilian students. An inspiration for any philanthropy professional whose aim is to drive systemic change for a more equal society.
- Danny Sriskandarajah, CEO of Oxfam GB, and Christoph Schmocker, CEO of Julius Baer Foundation, exchange views on the increasing global inequality challenge, on which forms of collaboration and engagement of the wealthy groups can lead to change, and the role of contemporary, thoughtful, strategic, risk-taking philanthropy.
- As an epidemiologist and a Fellow of the UK Faculty of Public Health, Kate Pickett has been studying the impact of variables such as inequality, social class and neighbourhood contexts on people’s health and development. In this podcast talk with Nathalie Jean-Baptiste, Senior Program manager Wealth Inequality at the Julius Baer Foundation, Kate unveils the deep connection between inequality and poor health and how it affects the wealthy just as much as the underprivileged.