Environment & Sustainability Working Group
Overview & future perspectives
14h30 - 16h00
OnlineSwissFoundations vernetzt Stiftungen thematisch in Form von Arbeitskreisen und Roundtables. Diese sind Plattformen für konkreten Erfahrungsaustausch, dienen aber auch als Gefässe zur Beantwortung aktueller Fragestellungen. Arbeitskreise und Roundtables stehen exklusiv Mitgliedstiftungen offen.
FermerAvec plus de 13 000 fondations d’utilité publique et un capital fondationnel d’environ 100 milliards de francs suisses, la Suisse occupe une position de premier plan à l’échelle mondiale. En tant que force indépendante, les fondations renforcent le pluralisme dans notre pays et contribuent de manière significative à la diversité et à l’innovation sociales.
FermerLa gouvernance des fondations nécessite des connaissances pertinentes, concrètes et proches de la pratique. En collaboration avec ses membres et partenaires, SwissFoundations développe des standards et des outils pratiques pour la création et la gestion de fondations donatrices d’utilité publique en Suisse.
FermerFondée en 2001 comme initiative commune de plusieurs fondations, SwissFoundations est l’association la plus importante des fondations donatrices d’utilité publique en Suisse.
FermerEnvironment & Sustainability Working Group
The Environment and Sustainability Working Group is delighted to invite you to a Webinar to be held on:
May 30th from 2:30 to 4:00pm.
The purpose will be to discuss three themes in a spirit of sharing and brainstorming mode between peers.
First, the idea will be to look back at the Bern meeting the co-leaders have organized in March on the topic of forest and check with if the « 360° Dialogues » worked well and what can be improved for the upcoming thematic sessions. The purpose will also be to assess whether there are concrete outcomes to follow up on and how.
Second, there will be a collective discussion about the overall purpose and goals of the working group and how it can serve better your own interests and needs in the future.
Third, there will be a discussion about the next steps and the planning of 2024 for which are keen to receive contributions and initiatives. Moreover Joséphine von Mitschke-Collande and Nicolas Krausz would like to discuss their next session in autumn on ecological economics.
So far some organisations (Partner for a new Economy, Laudes etc.) already expressed interests in to co-organising the meeting. The working group is still looking for interested parties to join a co-organising committee.
In order to prepare the meeting on the 30th more efficiently, a little online survey has been prepared with the aim of giving a better sense of members expectations and wishes for the future.
You can fill in this survey by clicking on this link.
Don’t forget to register before May 26th.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the Webinar.
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