Ukraine crisis: briefing on the humanitarian situation by ICRC and UN-OCHA
10h30 - 12h00
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On February 24th, 2022, the Republic of Russia invaded Ukraine, forcing to flee millions of people, both within the country and abroad, especially in Poland, Slovakia, Moldova and Hungary. Although the Russian troops have withdrawn from a few parts of Ukraine, the conflict is not over, putting even more people in a dire situation. The humanitarian needs are and will be immense for the weeks and months to come.
In order to provide you with a sound overview of the situation, we are pleased to invite you to a webinar with representatives from ICRC and UN-OCHA (the UN’s body for the coordination of humanitarian affairs), who will brief us on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and neighbouring countries and the needs, now and in the near future.
The session will take place on the 3. May, 10.30am -12.00 via Zoom. Please register via members@swissfoundations.ch to receive the link.
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