Working Group Education, Research, Innovation

Supporting Research in Low- and Middle-income Countries (LMICs)

14h00 - 17h00

Kongresszentrum Kreuz, Bern

für Mitglieder

You are kindly invited to join the next meeting of the Working Group Education/Research/Innovation. As an active member of this group, Velux Stiftung invites other members to an exchange around «supporting research in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)».

The goal of this first meeting is to:

  • get to know other foundations active in this area
  • exchange, get inspired by insights and experiences from other research-funding foundations
  • collect metalevel challenges that your foundation is currently dealing with to plan further exchange


  1. Welcome & round of introduction
  2. Input from 4 foundations (their activities, geographical and thematic focus, theory of change, underlying strategy etc.)
  3. Open discussion and topic harvesting
  4. Closing and next steps

The event is followed by a small apéro from 16:30 – 17:00.

This meeting is kindly hosted and provided by Velux Stiftung. Learn more about their research programmes here.

Please register via until the 12th of August.


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