Research Working Group

Partnerships for Innovation and Impact – an exclusive visit to ETH Zurich

Immerse yourself in the world of international cutting-edge research! In collaboration with the ETH Foundation, the Research Working Group invites all members of SwissFoundations, who are active in research, or interested in it, to an exclusive visit to ETH Zurich. A selection of research laboratories in the health sciences and direct interaction with researchers and innovative start-ups will demonstrate how research at ETH is translated into concrete applications and therapies, and the crucial role that partnerships with Swiss foundations play in this process. The event offers a unique opportunity to learn, to discover new possibilities for cooperation and possible partners, to strengthen networks and to provide impetus for the joint promotion of research and society.

The program includes visits to laboratories, some of which are one-of-a-kind globally, and research groups, e.g., in the fields of biomechanics, medical nano-robotics, rehabilitation and neuro-sciences among others. Presentations will address how to successfully translate science from “bench to bedside” and how to capture the impact of research partnerships. And several ETH spin-offs will share, how they have successfully turned science into applications and therapies. After the last presentations (approx., we look forward to an apéro with all of you, who want to continue the discussion.

13.30 > Meeting at ETH
13.45 > Welcome and visit to ETH laboratories working in the fields of

  • Biomechanics and human movement
  • Health rehabilitation and human sleep
  • Nanorobotics for new diagnostics and therapies
  • Computational neuromodeling and mental health

15.30 > Transfer to Student Project House for presentations and discussions on

  • Impact evaluation in research
  • Innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge translation inlc. start-ups
  • Successful partnerships for impact

17.00 > Apéro and optional tour of the Student Project House

We are very much looking forward to your numerous registrations and our joint visit!

SwissFoundations Research Working Group in collaboration with


Foto: Hauptgebäude © ETH Zürich / Gian Marco Castelberg




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