Environment & Sustainability Working Group

Rethinking and Regrounding Economics

10h30 - 17h00


für Mitglieder

Encouraged by the feedback after the Bern 360° Dialogues on Forests in March 2022, the Environment and Sustainability Working Group (ESWG) will organize the same kind of event on the key topic of “Rethinking and Regrounding Economics”.

The event will take place in-person in Lausanne on the 18th of March 2024 from 10:30 to 17:00 around three main thematic blocks: what can foundations do about economics, how to support a community-based economy for the common good, how to improve the impact of the investment strategies of foundations.

The organizing committee* is currently finetuning the programme, inviting inspiring speakers etc. If you would like to contribute do not hesitate to get in touch.

You can already register to the event, using the annexed registration formular on this website.

Practical information will be provided at a later date.


* organizing committee:  Joséphine von Mitschke-Collande (Mercator Stiftung, ESWG co-leader), Nicolas Krausz (Fondation Leenaards, ESWG co-leader), Guillaume Taylor (Fondation Montagu, Finances WG co-leader), Eva Csergo (Salvia Foundation), Eva Moldovanyi (Fondation Botnar), Megan McGill (Laudes Foundation), Claudia Neubauer (Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer), Patrizia Rezzoli (Seedling Foundation), Ezra Ricci (Fondation Audemars-Watkins)


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