The invisible crisis of youth mental health – Z Zurich Foundation and UNICEF expand global partnership

On October 10, World Mental Health Day, the Z Zurich Foundation and UNICEF announced the renewal of their global partnership Thriving Together to scale up efforts to promote young people’s mental health and wellbeing, supporting an additional 11 million people by 2027.

Employing a system-change approach at government, community and individual levels, the partnership will continue to enhance countries’ capacities for addressing youth mental health and wellbeing, while also focusing on the prevention of mental health disorders. The partnership builds on a successful initial three-year phase that empowered more than 900,000 adolescents and caregivers to better care for their mental health and wellbeing. Countries around the world have started to adopt and implement program tools and approaches promoted through this partnership, demonstrating its role as a catalyst for broader global impact.

„Together with UNICEF, we are addressing the invisible crisis of youth mental wellbeing by transforming systems and creating sustainable change,“ said Grégory Renand, Head of the Z Zurich Foundation.

„For too long, the mental health of children and youth have been sidelined and underfunded. Yet we know that investment in mental health can yield massive benefits for children, adolescents, families and whole societies,“ said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell.

Please find further information in the joint media release of UNICEF and Z Zurich Foundation here.



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