Committing to change – Dafne and WINGS are calling for collaboration regarding the climate crisis
The philanthropy networks Dafne and WINGS are initiating an International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change with the aim to invite foundations from all over the world, regardless of their mission or status, to take part in the climatic challenge that we are all facing, and to signal their commitment to climate action. This Commitment will arrive just in time for the COP-26 (UN Climate Change Conference) in November 2021.
The climate emergency needs to be addressed quickly and philanthropy has a relevant role to play. Foundations can indeed have an immense positive impact on climate protection by integrating climate considerations into their own operations and programmes or in their investments and endowments. Climate change is a cross-cutting issue, which affects all sectors of society and creates huge social and transgenerational inequalities, which is why all foundations are called to engage.
Different countries such as the UK, France and Spain have made their own national philanthropic commitments on climate change, which is a great inspiration for the future. These developments create the momentum for setting up a Global Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change, as the number of committed foundations keeps on growing due to the urgent necessity of taking actions.
This call invites foundations to participate in the consultation process and to sign the Commitment, once finalized in June 2021. If you are interested in joining this process or if would like to keep informed of the activities, you can reach out to Max von Abendroth, Executive Director of Dafne or Kathrin Dombrowski, project lead for the International Commitment.
If you would like to learn more about climate issues, current actions, or other foundations´ initiatives we invite you to look at the following links:
- Mapping of the Climate Philanthropy Networks in Europe
- ClimateChange & Social Change : How funders can act on both
- Environmental Funders Network – Environmental Philanthropy: Stories to Inspire (greenfunders.org)