Philea Forum 2025

Power and Equality: A Balancing Act

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon


The Philea Forum 2025 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 2-5 June, exploring “Power and Equality: A Balancing Act”, hosted by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Recent global events have amplified awareness of systemic inequalities and historical injustices. These incidents have sparked a societal reckoning with racial, social and economic justice, placing philanthropic organisations themselves under scrutiny for their role in perpetuating or challenging existing power imbalances. A clear line has since been drawn connecting widening inequality and power imbalances to rising polarisation and challenges to democracy.

The Philea Forum 2025 will address these critical issues, exploring the intersection of inequalities, power imbalances and structures which are sustaining them (including within philanthropy) and the ways in which we can help create the more equitable and just society we want and need. We will explore what truly equitable societies might look like and identify steps to create them.

Register (Registration deadline 19 May 2025)

View the programme


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