Let´s discuss enabling environments for philanthropy!
Philanthropy is part of an ever-changing environment, nationally and on a European scale. Foundations need to understand and (re)act to those drivers of change to exercise their social responsibility. Thus, a joint discussion within the sector and other stakeholders is crucial.
It is a fact that foundations are regularly faced with possible constraints at national or European level e.g., by new Common Reporting Standard policies. Yet, philanthropy needs an enabling environment to flourish and unleash its full potential to do public good. Thus, Philea (Philanthropy Europe Association), its Legal Affairs Committee and SwissFoundations advocate the foundations´ interest on all levels and keep the discussion alive.
During the Philea Forum 2022 in Barcelona, SwissFoundations represented by Julia Jakob was invited to speak in the session “How can we promote an enabling environment for philanthropy at national and European levels?”. The workshop explored how to promote an enabling environment for philanthropy and what role soft law approaches can take.
The Swiss Foundation Code is Switzerland´s primary example in the realm of soft law. Even though foundations in Switzerland can rely on liberal and stable conditions, they are confronted by public pressure to prove their legitimacy because of their tax privileges. To set up good governance standards, SwissFoundations first published the code in 2005. The code is like a toolbox or a Swiss army knife for establishing and managing foundations and a benchmark for Best Practice. Due to the dynamic development of the foundation sector, the Swiss Foundation Code was updated in 2009 and again in 2015 before the completely revised fourth edition came out in 2021. Since the code is a soft law approach, it is not binding but complements the legal basis and enables foundations of all sizes.
Foundations need to continuously reflect the challenges of their time. Thus, SwissFoundations invites you to sign up for the workshop on “Philanthropy Advocacy at European level and why you should care” by Hanna Surmatz, Head of Policy at Philea. The session will explore why we cannot take the philanthropy space for granted and what we can do about it. The workshop is part of the Symposium #perspectives on the 1. September 2022 in Aarau.
Photocredit: Ⓒ Philea